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Phone:+380 - 482 - 370518 / 356695 | Fax:+380 - 482 - 356696 | Telex:+51-94076280 LIBE G (via UK)

Liberty Shipping Services provides the services of a Port Captain or Cargo Superintendent for varied types and deadweight vessels and cargoes, in all ports of the Black Sea region and the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, covering duties which include:

  • Production of cargo pre-stowage plans
  • Planning, co-ordination and monitoring of all loading/discharging of cargo, from staff placed directly onboard the vessels at all times, at different ports, and keeping the Principal updated to developments
  • Supervision of the stowage, in addition to the lashing/securing of various cargoes loaded onboard a vessel in order to comply with the international standards of loading/lashing and safe navigation
  • Producing a supervision report including detailed final stowage plans, hatch lists and daily photographs
  • Acting in mitigation to limit costs and expenses for the Principal and maintain a timely turn-a-round for the vessel